Racial Harmony is where people of all races get together and care for each other no matter how different we are. In Malaysia, we are to respect each other no matter how different we are. Politician should not only fight for only one race as they should look after interest of all Malaysian genuinely.
Similarly people should not attack sensitive matters about race and religion as this is nothing to worry about. We were taught on how to respect other people from our own homes and from our parents. Racial Harmony can also start from our own homes by teaching our child to respect other people like for example, our neighbours of the same or different races and to also mix with other people.
(Source from; http://fundyreformed.files.wordpress.com/2007/12/racialharmony.jpg)
In Malaysia, The Government has this program every year which is the National Service where teenagers are picked to serve the nation by being independent with themselves and to mix around with strangers around the state who sooner or later will be their friends and I think this program should be continued every year. This is also because teenagers of all races are taught to respect each other and to be independent.
People should also show general interest in any type of tragedies that happens to any Malaysian. We should care for each other no matter how different we are. All of this value should be bind together of all races.
The integration of cultures through multicultural activities through Chinese, Malays and Indians should be allowed, as this is to understand each faith better.
The integration of people can start from school where children/students can start from school where children are taught about religion, to respect and are also taught in the same syllabus. They are also all treated the same even if they’re different in some ways.
We should all learn to respect and care for each other no matter what race you are.
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